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The Biker's Virgin Page 16

  “Thanks dad,” Olivia replied, and tears welled up in her eyes.

  “Bye Liv,” Maddie said. “I’ll bring all of my Pi Omega Tal sorority girls to the show when you’re in Ames. She grabbed Olivia into a huge bear hug, “Have fun,” she said and when she pulled away she winked at Blaine.

  Olivia slid her arm around Blaine’s waist, in response he slung his arm over her shoulder and kissed her on the top of her head.

  “What post show stuff do we have to do?” he asked.

  Olivia dragged him into her dressing room, pressed her lips hungrily against his, and started fumbling with his belt buckle.

  “This kind of post show stuff.”

  “Oh,” Blaine said. “I think I could get used to this touring routine.” He chuckled and lifted Olivia up by the waist with one arm; she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he slammed the door shut behind them.

  Olivia knew that every decision in her life had led her to this moment - and she never felt happier. Now that Blaine was with her, wherever she was on tour, felt like home. She was his. And more importantly, he was hers.



  Chapter One

  Sarah walked up the front steps of the sorority house and smiled. She thought back to when she had been an idealistic freshman and was very anti-sorority. When she'd first come to college she was dead set against the entire concept. She found sororities to be outdated institutions that separated women, instead of creating bonds between them. Not to mention, there were a lot of horror stories floating around about hazing. She knew for damn sure she wasn’t parading around campus in ridiculous outfits and being demeaned by the seniors. Was it so crazy that she didn't want someone screaming at her and beating her with paddles? Or, forcing her to clean up the house on her hands and knees in her underwear after a kegger? Those were standard procedures over at Alpha Kappa Alpha. Yes, a sorority had seemed like an archaic, misogynistic institution that an academic like herself should stay far, far away from. And then, she met the girls from Pi Omega Tal.

  Pi Omega Tal weren't like the other sororities. First of all, there was absolutely no hazing; it was written into their charter. And secondly, they valued academics over partying - requiring all of their members to maintain a minimum of a 2.7 GPA. Which didn't necessarily make them rocket scientists, but it did mean they actually had to try in school.

  This is what had given Sarah her ‘in’. She was at the university to get her engineering degree and her grades were top notch. Academia had come easily and effortlessly to her all of her life, getting straight A’s was a cakewalk for her. The more traditional sororities would’ve turned her away as she was a plain girl with brown eyes, fair skin, and a smattering of freckles across her nose. She had average build and she carried the bulk of her excess weight around her thighs. She was totally comfortable with her body. She could look a little nerdy sometimes, with her long brown hair that she always bundled on the top of her head in a loose bun and her grandma’s horn-rimmed glasses (with modern day lenses). She definitely wasn’t a stereotypical sorority bimbo. The selection committee had voted her in on her academic merit, although she had heard through the rumor mill that her breasts (she had been gifted with gorgeous, round, natural D-cups) had tipped the scale in her favor so to speak.

  The sorority girls lived in a old big house, one that was listed as a historical landmark. Sure, they had parties and alliances with other sororities, but theirs was a supportive environment. They weren't all about the drama and that was something that meant a lot to Sarah.

  Now three years later, Sarah was a junior, and looking back she couldn't be any more pleased with her experience with Pi Omega Tal. To an outside observer, the girls at Pi had it all: beauty, brains, camaraderie, and guys from Sigma Ki, the hottest on campus, after them. If a guy from Sigma could bag a Pi Omega Tal girl, he got serious cred in the frat, making the girls a very hot commodity. Now, commodity is the key word here, because that's how the guys over at Sigma treated the sisters, and it didn't get them very far. In fact, Sarah and the rest of her sisters were sick of the same old guys that were always showing up to all the same parties.

  Were these guys chiseled and good looking? Yes. And, the girls from POT were not angels, so there had been relations between members of the two organizations. However, these frat boys were not good enough in the bedroom for a second round. Sure, maybe there were exceptions here and there when it came to certain guys and certain sisters, but as a whole, all of Pi Omega Tal were bored and ready for a change.

  The president, Elizabeth, had tasked Sarah with figuring out how they were going to fix the situation. It had reached the point where the lack of guys with any knowledge of how to bang in any style other than ‘jackhammer’ was now deemed a 'situation'.

  Sarah had to find a new crop of men that met the following criteria: not evil, smart enough, handsome (this was a non-negotiable), well endowed, and had knowledge of how to use aforementioned endowment (also non-negotiable). She sighed, this wasn’t going to be easy.

  Chapter Two

  There had been a serious incident a few weeks earlier involving one of the sisters. A scorned jock named Jake got wasted at a party and couldn't get his dick up. Now, he would've gotten major pledge points to have bedded a Pi girl, so he started spreading rumors about their night together all over social media. She called him out over Facebook, so in return he'd blasted her nude photos everywhere he could. Pi Omega Tal had been quick to contact the police and school, and the waste of skin who was (falsely) slut shaming was suspended.

  The sorority now had two problems on their hands. The first was that the girl in question broke one of the bylaws of the sorority by allowing herself to be photographed naked. The bylaw specifies that any nude photos are to be taken solely on the phone belonging to the sister and password protected. Subsection 2 further states: any naked photos (breasts included) of any member of Pi Omega Tal will not include that member's face and/or distinguishable marks or characteristics.

  Secondly, they needed to stop messing around with these run-of-the mill college boys. However, they needed a replacement for them fast; the girls did not want to go cold turkey while suitable replacements were sourced. Enough of them had decided it was a problem, so it was voted in as priority number one.

  Sarah felt like this whole ‘situation’ was ridiculous. She could get by without men, but it turns out that the rest of the girls weren’t as strong as her. She didn’t want to be in charge of finding a solution, but knew that Elizabeth wouldn’t get off her back until she did.

  Sarah racked her brain to find a fresh way to come at the problem which didn't involve settling. Some girls had proposed hitting up the nerds at parties. Their hypothesis was that the nerds would be good in bed because they knew that they had to make up for their shortfall in the looks department. Sarah didn't have a problem with nerds at all, and found their particular brand of humor refreshing. At the same time, she knew that the nerds on campus weren't going to be the solution. Most of those guys were virgins and probably wouldn't last a minute inside any woman, let alone a sister from Pi Omega Tal. Furthermore, most of them would rather play video games than have anything to do with a member of the opposite sex. And there was also the small logistical problem, the nerds didn’t go to parties; no, they would never be able to make that happen.

  Sarah knew that the majority of the girls would eventually end up appreciating all their nerdy good traits and marrying them, once they had their high paying jobs.

  No, the girls didn't need to settle just yet. They needed to take advantage of their youth and hard bodies and be courted by hot men of the same caliber who made them wet with just a glance.

  Another suggestion was to get on Tinder or Bumble and try to pull guys from Des Moines, the state capitol, which was a scant thirty-minute drive away. This seemed like a decent solution, but Sarah knew that pulling dudes from another town was risky. They didn't have a vested interest in acting like
gentlemen while they visited and it would likely be a case of 'same shit, different pile'. Sarah wanted to discover a sect of men who were available, who were respectful, and who liked to party.

  Sarah got up, padded across the hardwood in her slippers and stared out the bay window across the front lawn of the house. Just then a Harley Davidson pulled up to the four way stop in front of the house. From what she could see, its rider was built like a linebacker. He had long, ginger hair in a ponytail and tattoos covering both his arms. He turned and saw Sarah staring at him from her window. He smiled crookedly and raised his hand into a half wave. There was something about the nonchalant action that sent her heart pumping. She swallowed deeply as he revved the engine and the bike growled off down the street. As he pulled away she noticed the patch on the back of his cut off denim vest—Brass Bonds across the top, Des Moines across the bottom.

  Sarah wondered about him: what his name was, what color eyes he had, what his life story was. As she watched the unknown biker cruise away, she knew she'd found the answer to the sorority's problem. Here was a completely untapped group of men who had nothing at all to do with the college. If something went bad with one of the Brass Bonds, he wasn't likely to blast photos all over the place like some kind of immature little brat.

  Sarah turned her gaze to look up at the summer sky. High above her thin strips of clouds that looked like tissue paper hung suspended, just starting to catch the setting sun's red tinge. Sarah tried to take time to soak in moments like these, when the day was at its most beautiful. She smiled to herself, feeling the sun on her face; it wasn't often that things came together in such a smooth, almost magical manner. Like the girls said, ‘put it out to the Universe, it will give you what you're asking for.’

  Chapter Three

  The POT house had originally been built in the twenties to house the university staff, and it still felt that way. The first floor had a great common room, one might actually call it a parlor, that attached to the kitchen, front entryway, and laundry room. The rest of the bedrooms were all on the second and third floors, but because the house was so old, the only bathroom was on the main floor.

  The parlor was an area that everyone shared equally, and everyone knew that anything could happen there. Sarah recalled many occasions when she'd walked downstairs into the commons to find one of her sorority sisters getting busy with someone on one of the couches. There were french doors with sheer curtains at the entryway that could shut the parlor off from the rest of the house, but the sheer curtains still didn't leave much to the imagination.

  “Hey, Sarah!” shouted Elizabeth.

  Sarah immediately stopped in her tracks and turned to walk over to the nook where Elizabeth was reading. Sarah knew that Elizabeth was going to want an update on ‘the problem.’

  “How goes it?” Elizabeth asked. “Any leads?”

  Before the nude photos had been sent out, Elizabeth had been a more relaxed leader. But when the photos turned into a scandal she had cracked down and started involving herself in the lives of Pi Omega Tal much more than she had in the past. As the leader of Pi Omega Tal, it was her job to make sure that the girls were all well taken care of, and not only that, that they were taking care of themselves. She had called a mandatory general meeting for the following evening.

  She knew that Elizabeth would have her nose in everyone's business like never before. But these meetings and crackdowns on behavior had proved to be helpful in the past, ensuring chores were actually getting done, like the trash being emptied and the recycling being taken out. And now with the upcoming meeting, it meant that Sarah needed to prepare a report.

  “Actually, I do have an idea,” Sarah said. “I think it's a good one. I think you'll agree.”

  Elizabeth's eyes narrowed on Sarah, while a very agreeable person, Elizabeth didn't like to be told what she would like or not like.

  “Have you ever heard of the Brass Bonds?" Sarah said excitedly as she dropped to sit on the floor beside Elizabeth.

  "Mmmmhmmm," Elizabeth replied.

  Sarah took a big gulp. Ever since the photo incident Elizabeth had a habit of lashing out at any Pi Omega Tal who didn't please her. Sarah hoped that this wasn't about to be one of those times.

  “You know, this isn't the first time one of the Bonds has caught a sister's eye,” Elizabeth mused. “I was a Sophomore at the time. Stephanie Mancuso, I don't think you would know her, used to go over there all the time to party, hangout, and get fucked. Those guys are surprisingly respectful, but can ask for some pretty crazy things.”

  Elizabeth paused for a moment and then looked at Sarah slyly. “It's such a good idea I wonder why I didn't think of it myself?!" She got up and started to pace the room like a caged lioness. “All of the things that really matter, and all the criteria are met if we decide to spend a little time with the Brass Bonds MC. First and foremost, they aren't going to pull some dumb fuckboy bullshit and send our photos all over the place when they don't get their way. Secondly, they aren't even involved with Ames, so what we do with them would most likely stay a secret, if we wanted it to. And from what I've heard, they shouldn't have any issues satisfying our more intimate requirements.”

  Elizabeth stopped talking, and then she stopped pacing. She was a beautiful young girl of twenty-one, with blonde hair and icy blue eyes. She was skinny and busty, just like Sarah. In fact, that was the running joke around campus was that to be a member of Pi Omega Tal you had to have big tits. In reality, it wasn't a requirement at all, just a very positive coincidence that all of the sorority were well endowed in that department.

  Suddenly, Elizabeth looked over at Sarah.

  “You know what we should do?” Elizabeth said.

  Sarah didn't know what they should do, but she knew that Elizabeth was about to tell her.

  “We should go down to that bar where they hang out on the other side of town. We could talk to them and see what they think about the idea of Pi Omega Tal spending a little bit of time around their clubhouse,” Elizabeth said.

  Sarah smiled. She loved it when Elizabeth liked her ideas. She knew it wasn't healthy to get self-affirmation like this, but it felt so good to be chosen and accepted by one of the most powerful girls on campus.

  “I think that's a good idea,” Sarah said.

  “Sweet! We can talk about the details on the way over.”

  “What do you mean?” Sarah asked.

  “Well, I mean, I think that we should go do our makeup, and on the way over we should decide if we are going to bring them back here or not. One for each of us, I mean.”


  "Of course, tonight! This is a serious problem that we have to solve."

  With that both of the women bounded up the stairs giddy with anticipation. They both needed to get their makeup on, fire up the flat irons, and get changed.

  "What the hell do you wear to a biker bar?" Sarah yelled from the bathroom while doing her hair.

  "Think rocker chick meets porn star."

  Sarah tried on five different outfits before settling on leather leggings, a low cut black tank top, a faux fur vest, and black ballet flats.

  She skipped across the hallway into Elizabeth's room and stopped in her tracks when she saw her outfit. Short, high waisted jean shorts, a black bustier that practically offered her breasts up on a platter, and black combat boots. It was perfect.

  "You look stunning," Sarah gasped.

  “And you look so hot, but what's with the teacher shoes?” Elizabeth said pointing to her ballet flats. She went to the closet and pulled out a pair of plain black stilettos.

  "Try these," she said as she chucked them in Sarah's direction.

  Sarah did as she was told and they instantly transformed her outfit from cute boho girl to sex kitten.

  “Hot damn!” the cabbie said as they slid into the car. “Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; their beauty shakes me who was once serene, straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen. You two ladies are dressed
to kill! What are your plans tonight?”

  “Studying.” Elizabeth replied curtly, shutting him up for the remainder of the drive across town. Sarah smiled at the cabbie, trying to make up for her friend’s rudeness.

  “Do we have a game plan?”

  “You know me,” Sarah smiled wryly. “Let’s just wing it, but remember to follow my lead.”

  Elizabeth’s plan comforted and unnerved Sarah at the same time. She felt her stomach flip as the butterflies started.

  “You two seem to know what you're getting into,” the cabbie said as he pulled up in front of Tip Top bar. “But just be careful, you never know when something stupid is going to happen.”

  "Thanks, we got it," Elizabeth said as she handed the driver the fare plus a decent tip. “I hope the rest of your night goes well, Dave.”

  “Thanks Lizzie, you too.”

  “You know that weirdo?” Sarah asked incredulously.

  “Sure do. Thinks he’s a poet.” Elizabeth said. “I guess that's why I always ask for him.”

  “The poem sounded good to me,” Sarah said as she walked down the street toward Tip Top bar, the place where it was rumored that the Brass Bonds hung out.

  “It should,” Elizabeth said. “It was Chaucer.”

  Sarah nodded knowingly. As if she would recognize Chaucer. She was an engineer for God’s sake. She didn't know anything about poetry, she was all about analytics and numbers. Elizabeth lived classic literature and read more than anyone else that Sarah had ever met.

  Sarah wasn't sure what to make of the bar. Tip Top looked like an old run down pizza shop. There was a group of disheveled looking men standing outside the door smoking a joint. Sarah could feel every single one of their eyes following their every move as they trotted confidently into the bar. In meeting one set of leering bloodshot eyes, Sarah felt herself starting to lose her nerve.

  When they got inside they had to take a moment to let their eyes adjust to the low lighting. Not just club low, but seriously hard to make out faces low. They didn't know this at the time, but the Tip Top bar was known for keeping the lights down low. Some people said it was to make the place more mysterious, others said it was to give everyone a few seconds to duck out the back door, unidentified, if the cops walked in.