The Biker's Virgin Page 13
“How’s she doing?” Blaine asked.
“She’s sleeping. She’s exhausted.”
“When she wakes up can you have her call me? I need to explain something to her. I mean, I need to apologize to her.”
“Blaine.” Maddie said, her tone serious.
He held his breath.
She continued, “I love my sister, and she’s head over heels for you for some reason. I need to know that you’re not going to break her heart. I’ve heard about what you bikers are all about.”
Blaine felt himself get defensive, but knew that she was right. A lot of his brothers treated their women like objects. The women that didn’t like it didn’t last long, but some liked being objectified, they were the ones that stood the test of time with the long-term bikers. There were a few guys who truly loved their old ladies and did their best to be true to them. It wasn’t always easy for them to be faithful, women seemed to be drawn to bikers, and sometimes it was easier to fuck them than to fight them off.
“Maddie. I care about Olivia and I think that there’s something special about her. I want to be with her, but I don’t want to subject her to club life. I’m torn, I can’t leave the club.”
“She’s changed since she met you, Blaine. She’s standing up for herself and, other than today’s craziness, I think that being around you has been good for her. I see what you’re saying, but I think if you pull away from her right now it will crush her.”
“What should I do?” Blaine asked quietly.
“Let me think about that,” Maddie said. “I want what’s best for her, but I have the feeling she won’t be able to stay away from you. I need you to be honest with me right now. Are you with that skanky woman, Liz?
“Hell no,” Blaine said. “I need to explain that situation to Olivia.”
“So, she won’t come between you two?”
“Absolutely fucking not,” Blaine said.
“Good. You take care of my sister. The best thing for Olivia to do, is, well, up to Olivia. Be good to her and let her make the decision. If she’s okay with your club life, and you promise to protect her, I’ll be okay with it. Until I’m not. Then I’ll let you know,” she said.
“Thanks Maddie. I’ll think about that.”
“Are you going to see her today?”
“Olivia, you idiot!” Maddie squealed.
“I want to. This morning I’m running around trying to get everything ready for our annual meeting. Do you know if she’s coming?”
“Why would she be at your AGM?”
“Steve’s band is playing a few sets, I thought that she might be playing with them.”
“I’ll check with her.”
“Thanks Maddie.” Blaine flipped his burner phone closed.
Maybe Maddie was right. Who was he to decide what was best for Olivia? While he liked the concept of letting Olivia choose whether to get involved with him or not, he knew that she didn’t have all the facts. And she probably never would. Could he let her make a decision without telling her about his true history with the MC?
Olivia heard Maddie talking on the phone and crawled out of bed. She was exhausted. Her mind kept replaying the moment when Mr. Tunbridge’s pants hit the floor. Her gut churned as she remembered disassociating from her body.
Reflecting on what happened, she realized that Maddie saved her from making a huge mistake. So she would have to work her way up through some small-town festival orchestras, instead of just launching into the spotlight. Big deal. She was so happy that things hadn’t gone further with the pervert.
She tiptoed into the kitchen and saw Maddie staring out the window. She rushed up and embraced her from behind, resting her head on the back of her fuzzy pink robe.
“Thank you,” Olivia said, pulling back. “I’m so sorry you had to witness that.”
“Witness what? I’m sorry you felt like you had to do that. Olivia, you are talented and are going places, I wish that you could see that.”
“It’s funny. I thought that my life depended on this audition, but this morning I realized that things are going to play out the way that they need to. Maybe I’ll stay here for another year and hang out with Blaine.”
“Well, I know that you’d like that, but that man wants to see you succeed. He cares about you more than I thought he did. He’d rather see you go off to the orchestra than hang out in this shitty town for another year.”
“How do you know that?” Olivia asked.
“He told me. I just had a long conversation with him.”
Olivia looked up at Maddie, her mouth slightly agape, “He said that?”
“Well, he didn’t exactly use those words, but yes.”
Olivia felt her head spin, so much had happened this morning. She braced herself on the kitchen table and eased herself into one of the vinyl chairs.
“He said that he’s going to be running around like a chicken with his head cut off today prepping for some big meeting. Bikers have meetings?”
Olivia laughed. “Yes, and it’s a big one – they’ve been getting Steve’s property ready for it all summer.”
“He wanted to know if you were going to be there.”
Olivia drummed her fingers on the kitchen table. Steve had been bugging her to play a set at the AGM. She didn’t think that she was ready to play in front of a massive aggressive audience like that. She knew that she was letting the band down, but felt like her shyness would ruin things for them anyway.
“Chicken with its head cut off?” Olivia asked, smiling at her sister.
“Those might be my words,” Maddie laughed. “Are you going to do it?”
Olivia knew that things had to change in her life, that things were going to change. She needed to start embracing opportunities instead of hiding in her bedroom practicing for moments instead of living them.
“You know what? I think that I want to play it,” she said, surprising herself.
Olivia poured herself a cup of coffee and picked up her phone. ‘Here goes nothing’ she thought to herself and gulped. She picked up her phone and saw a text from Blaine.
It read:
I hope that you got some sleep. Give me a call to let me know that you are okay. I can’t wait to see u.
Olivia’s hands shook. She clicked on his name and the phone started ringing.
“Hello” his voice was low and deep on the other end of the line.
“It’s Olivia.”
“Hi Liv. How are you doing?”
“I’m okay. I need to thank you for everything you did for me today. It wasn’t necessary.”
“Well, yes, actually, it was. What were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t thinking,” She said quietly.
“I need to explain to you exactly what you saw at the clubhouse.”
“Maddie told me what happened.”
“Nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen. I want you and only you. If you’ll have me.”
Olivia was silent, she didn’t know what to say.
“Liv,” Blaine prompted after the silence became too much.
“You can give me that apology in person tomorrow at the AGM.” she said boldly.
“You’re coming?” he asked, surprised.
“We’re playing it.”
“Well, isn’t that something,” Blaine said. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yep. See you tomorrow,” Olivia tried to sound nonchalant. Then quickly said, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you sweetheart,” Blaine said. “I can’t wait to see you onstage.”
Olivia clicked the phone off. What had she done? Not only was she out of her element with her instrument, location, style of music, and audience, now she had to perform for the only man who had ever given her butterflies. How was she going to get through this?
Blaine blinked his eyes to the sun streaming in through the single pane wind
ow. He yawned and stretched, ‘Fuck it’s quiet out here,’ he thought to himself. He pulled back the red checkered quilt, got out of bed, and rummaged through his duffel bag to find a towel.
He shivered in the outdoor shower as he watched the early morning mist rise from the slow-moving river. He wrapped the towel around his muscular waist and was surprised that he was still at half-mast after the lukewarm shower; thoughts of kissing Olivia all over her supple smooth body got him so worked up. His manhood tented the towel out further as he imagined entering her from behind.
He shook his head and tried to get the imagery of her naked body out of his mind. He had a lot of work to do, he didn’t have time to yank one out, and he couldn’t be walking around all day with a stiffy.
He threw on his boxer briefs, a white t-shirt, and his favorite jeans. He toweled off his hair, shook the water out, and then tied it back into a ponytail. He rummaged further into his bag to find his wire rim aviators. He grabbed his black flat-brim hat off the hook by the door and headed out to greet the first arrivals of the Brass Bonds Brotherhood as they reached the gates of the farm. The breeze had started to pick up and so had the temperature. It was going to be a perfect fall day.
Throughout the day hordes of bikers converged onto Steve’s farm. Some hauled fifth wheel trailers, some brought tents, and the property started to look like a colorful festival campground. The smell of marijuana wafted through the warm morning air and the sound of the band playing could be heard everywhere on the property. Zeb had allowed him to rent a stadium quality sound system, and it was loud with a capital L near the temporary stage.
He spent the afternoon drinking beer and mingling with brothers that he hadn’t seen for years. Everything was pretty peaceful, with the exception of a few drunken fist fights, and thankfully the cops were turning a blind eye to the illicit drugs being consumed or sold. Blaine hadn’t been worried, but found himself relaxing more and more as the day went on with no major incidents. He hadn’t seen or heard from Olivia and wondered if she would show up. He had left instructions at the gate for her to be escorted directly to the stage and placed in Steve’s care. He wondered if it was overkill, but he didn’t want her to get scared off by any horny drunk men. He also didn’t want her stumbling onto any scenes that she might not be ready to see. He knew that there were plenty of swinger couples doing their thing down by the cabins, and that the loft of the barn had turned into quite the coke den.
As dusk settled in, Blaine still hadn’t seen or heard from Olivia and he was starting to get worried. He hopped into the golf cart he’d been using to get around the property and started to make his way to the gate when he heard the distinctive first notes of her guitar ring out into the night air. He slammed on the brakes. He had seen her play enough times to recognize her sound, and he wheeled the golf cart around and headed off toward the stage in excitement.
When he got close he noticed that the crowd had grown exponentially and all eyes were fixated on his girl. He pushed his way through the throngs of people to get close to the stage. If it weren’t for her distinct sound he might not have recognized her. Her long straight hair was wavy and wild like a lion’s mane. He was transfixed, not only by her playing, but by the way she moved, like the music had seeped into her and taken over her body. Her eyes were lined in black, like a cat’s, and she had on bright coral lipstick. He loved the way she pressed her lips together when she concentrated and he felt a surge of pride as he watched her, completely engrossed in her element.
His eyes ran down her body. Behind her guitar he could see the frayed bottom of her ripped jean shorts. He continued his gaze down her long legs expecting to see her combat boot and was surprised to see tall black heels. He wondered if she had borrowed the shoes from Maddie, they were easily five inches tall and their straps wound around her thin ankles and up her legs like a gladiator.
He nodded his head in time with the music and cheered her on whenever she got a chance to perform a solo. He looked around in awe. She had the crowd in the palm of her hand. He felt his heart bursting with pride. His throat constricted when she spread her legs and widened her stance to really get into her riffs. ‘God, she’s so damn sexy and she doesn’t even know it’, he thought as he adjusted his pants to accommodate the stirring of his cock.
“I’d bend that guitar bitch over and give her the ride of her life.” Blaine heard someone remark from behind him. He snapped around to face the man. He and his buddies were staring at Liv lasciviously and continued to joke about replacing her guitar with their dicks.
Blaine shoved one of the men in the shoulder. “She’s mine.”
“Sorry man, I didn’t know,” the guy stammered, and held his hands up like he was under arrest.
Blaine scanned the audience, and grew even more protective of Olivia as he noticed the way that the men were staring at her. He needed to protect her, and the best way to do that was to claim her as his own. As a high-ranking Brass Bonds, everyone at the bash knew and respected his position, and would do the same for his old lady.
The band finished their set with flourish and the audience went wild and screamed for an encore. Olivia stepped to the front of the stage and teased the audience with some Zeppelin, then she improvised with what sounded like a mix between some classical stuff that Blaine didn’t know, and then melded the classic rock back into the melody. He didn’t know a thing about music, but he knew what he was hearing was good, very good. She kept building and building her solo, pulling in every set of eyes and ears in the audience until the rest of the band joined in, bringing the song to its climax, and the audience roared. He made his way to the side stage and watched her finish off the performance with a cheesy arm swing she must’ve taken from an old Van Halen video. He smiled at her dorkiness. She broke free from her zone of concentration, turned her head and saw Blaine standing at the side of the stage. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders a little, as if to say she was fully aware that her 80s metal move had been ridiculous.
As the band acknowledged the audience, Blaine threw on his kutte and strode onstage. He grabbed Olivia’s guitar by the strap, lifted it off her, and wound his arm her around her waist. With her guitar still in his hand, he pulled her in close and kissed her hard. The audience went wild. Olivia put her hands around Blaine’s thick neck and kissed him back. She didn’t know it, but this public display was calculated on his part; she was now Blaine’s old lady, and she would never be given a hard time by anyone in the organization, ever again.
Their kiss lingered while the audience cheered. Blaine set down the guitar and led her offstage by her hand. When they reached the ground, Blaine was ready to take her right then and there. He picked her up by her hips and grew hard as his hands felt the bare flesh exposed from her short cut-offs. He could tell that she was hungry for him too, her fingers gripped into his back and her lips met his hungry and frantic kisses. He couldn’t wait any longer, his body ached to take hers. He kissed her on the neck and set her down on the ground. He held her hand as they slowly made their way through the crowd, their progress slowed by Olivia’s ridiculous shoes, and all of the congratulatory nods of appreciation lauded on her by the audience members.
When they cleared the crowd and reached the wood chipped pathway to the cabin, Blaine swept Olivia up into his arms and carried her. The mile-long path sparkled with strands of Christmas lights, and fireflies bobbed through the air. Blaine’s cock pressed against his jeans and was throbbing. Olivia held onto his neck and leaned her head against his chest. The electricity that ran between the two of them was palpable, and he could feel Olivia trembling against him. When they got to his cabin he gingerly set her down and pressed her up against the door. She arched her back so that her hips pressed tightly to his, and they kissed passionately. Both of them were breathing heavily and Blaine heard Olivia moan lightly into their kiss. He fumbled for the latch on the door and they burst into the cabin in a flurry of kissing and groping. Blaine picked Olivia up and threw her onto the bed and kicked of
f his boots. He crawled on top of her and pressed his body down onto hers. He held both sides of her face as he kissed her, then he reached between her legs and pulled hard at the crotch of her shorts. Olivia gasped as Blaine shoved the small bit of jean fabric to the side and shoved his thick finger into her warmth. He felt her hesitation and remembered that it wasn’t a club whore in his bed, it was his virginal girlfriend. He stopped and pulled his finger from her body and readjusted her shorts. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked her in her eyes.
“I love you,” he said. “And I can wait for you.”
“I love you too Blaine,” Olivia said. “I’ve never been more ready.”
Olivia felt amazing onstage. She felt like she was transported to some other place where only she and the music existed. Just her, and the notes and vibrations, swirling around her body.
Before she went onstage she did some breathing exercises to try to calm her nerves. She had played her cello in front of packed houses before, but this felt way different. First of all, her relationship with the guitar was new, her relationship with her cello had been cultivated over the years; her instrument felt like an old childhood friend. The guitar felt like a rebellious new college friend. The kind who pushes you to try new crazy things, and forces you to step out of your comfort zone. They’re exciting and new, a little unpredictable, and you don’t know if they truly have your back just yet.
But onstage, she and the guitar bonded, and she finally understood what Steve meant by feeling the music. She totally forgot about the theory and really felt the vibrations engulf her body. She knew that Blaine was somewhere in the audience, and when she first stepped on the stage she searched the audience for any sign of his red hair. Once the music took over, she stopped searching, and just started playing. Really playing.
Adrenaline surged through her body and the cheers from the audience fueled her energy. When she turned and saw Blaine standing on the side stage a shiver coursed up and down her spine and the hair on her arms stood on end. She smiled at him, a huge genuine smile of elation and joy, mixed with a little embarrassment: she had thrown in some cheesy old school rocker moves – to the delight of the audience